Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band – Constitution
(revised January 2022)
The Band shall be called “Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band” hereinafter referred to as the “Band”.
The object of the Band is to promote, improve and maintain public education and appreciation of the art and science of music in the style and tradition of the Brass Band by rehearsal and the presentation of public concerts and other activities.
The following classes of membership shall be available;
A(i): Full Playing Membership which shall be open to any person of good musical standing.
A(ii): Part Playing membership (as above but member has only temporary residence in Norfolk and attracts a pro rate membership fee by agreement)
B: Student Playing Membership which shall be open to any person of good musical standing who is in full time education. (This category does not attract a membership fee)
C: Honorary Life Vice-Presidency. This category of membership is by Committee invitation only.
The Committee shall be entitled to elect or reject any candidate for membership of any category.
All members shall pay subscriptions at the rate determined at the Annual General Meeting (or by an Extraordinary General Meeting constitutionally called for the sole purpose of reviewing membership fees).
The management of the Band shall be in the hands of an Executive Committee consisting of the following Officers: Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and up to six other members.
Co-opted members can include: Musical Director, Band Manager, Deputy Musical Director and Band Librarian.
The Officers, other Committee Members and Band Librarian shall be elected by, and out of, the Band’s Members at the Annual General Meeting. The others shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election. If there is more than one nomination for any Committee position voting shall be by secret ballot. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote.
In addition and following consultation with the paid up members the Musical Director of the Band shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall participate as advisor to the Committee.
Committee meetings may be called by the Chair and/or Secretary. The quorum for a committee meeting be no less than four persons.
The Committee:
The Annual General Meeting of the Band shall be held during the first six weeks of every year at a date, time and place fixed by the Committee, for the election of officers and members of the Committee, also the presentation of the accounts and any other business stated in the notice of the meeting.
The Chair shall preside at all Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings. At the AGM a non-committee member, who is not nominated for an executive position, will be invited by the Committee to take the chair for the Election of Officers. Once a Chair has been (re)elected, they will take the chair for the remainder of the meeting.
This meeting shall;
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or upon written request to the Secretary of at least ten members of the Band, giving reasons in the form of a motion.
At least fourteen days notice of such a meeting must be given to all members of the Band stating motions to be discussed. No other business may be discussed and decisions shall be on a simple majority of those present. The quorum for an EGM shall be five persons or twenty % of the membership, whichever the greater.
From around September 2001 there has been growing concern about the safeguarding of both children (classed as anyone under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults ( a catch all phrase for any adult identified as maybe in need of additional support) in wider social circumstances. Bands working with children can place themselves in a very vulnerable position if any actions are misconstrued by those whom they are teaching. Members may also be in a unique position to identify and report potential abuse.
All members of the Band who undertake working with children, as representatives of the Band, shall personally ensure that they are fully compliant with the latest statutory requirements regarding safeguarding.
The band is a member of Brass Band England and has adopted the recommended safeguarding policy and procedures.
In the event that the Band is dissolved or otherwise ceases to operate, the property, cash and intellectual assets of the Band shall be held by a minimum of three trustees appointed by the Committee. The net assets of the Band, after settlement of all the Band’s liabilities, are to be collated and securely stored in a place appointed by the Trustees for a period of not less than three years. If after the expiration of this period there is no revival of the Band then the trustees are to dispose of the property, cash and assets in a manner that is within the spirit of the objects of the Band.
Instruments and equipment may be donated to schools or other musical institutions, cash is to be donated to worthy causes or charities as decided by the Trustees. Under no circumstances may any individual person benefit from the Band’s assets.
In the event that the Band is unable to discharge it’s liabilities from the liquidation of its property and assets, the Band members, the Band Committee and the Band’s Trustees shall not be liable or held to be liable, in any way or in any circumstances, for any costs, claims or liabilities of any kind attributable to the Band.
Any person ceasing to be a member of the Band shall forfeit all rights and claim upon the Band, its property or funds.
Neither the Band or any Trustee or Officer or members of the Committee shall be liable for any loss or damage to the property of any members occurring on Band property, neither shall it or they be liable for any injury sustained by any member whilst on Band business
Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band 2022
(revised January 2022)
The Band shall be called “Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band” hereinafter referred to as the “Band”.
The object of the Band is to promote, improve and maintain public education and appreciation of the art and science of music in the style and tradition of the Brass Band by rehearsal and the presentation of public concerts and other activities.
The following classes of membership shall be available;
A(i): Full Playing Membership which shall be open to any person of good musical standing.
A(ii): Part Playing membership (as above but member has only temporary residence in Norfolk and attracts a pro rate membership fee by agreement)
B: Student Playing Membership which shall be open to any person of good musical standing who is in full time education. (This category does not attract a membership fee)
C: Honorary Life Vice-Presidency. This category of membership is by Committee invitation only.
The Committee shall be entitled to elect or reject any candidate for membership of any category.
All members shall pay subscriptions at the rate determined at the Annual General Meeting (or by an Extraordinary General Meeting constitutionally called for the sole purpose of reviewing membership fees).
The management of the Band shall be in the hands of an Executive Committee consisting of the following Officers: Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and up to six other members.
Co-opted members can include: Musical Director, Band Manager, Deputy Musical Director and Band Librarian.
The Officers, other Committee Members and Band Librarian shall be elected by, and out of, the Band’s Members at the Annual General Meeting. The others shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election. If there is more than one nomination for any Committee position voting shall be by secret ballot. In the event of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote.
In addition and following consultation with the paid up members the Musical Director of the Band shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall participate as advisor to the Committee.
Committee meetings may be called by the Chair and/or Secretary. The quorum for a committee meeting be no less than four persons.
The Committee:
- Shall be responsible for setting out, reviewing annually and executing the policies of the Band
- Shall be responsible for all arrangements for the concerts and other events and the control of finance
- Shall have the power to refuse or terminate Membership
- Shall have the power to appoint and curtail the appointment of the Musical Director
- May fill any vacancy that occurs on the Committee or co-opt additional members as necessary
- May form sub-committees
- Shall have the power to do all other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects
The Annual General Meeting of the Band shall be held during the first six weeks of every year at a date, time and place fixed by the Committee, for the election of officers and members of the Committee, also the presentation of the accounts and any other business stated in the notice of the meeting.
The Chair shall preside at all Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings. At the AGM a non-committee member, who is not nominated for an executive position, will be invited by the Committee to take the chair for the Election of Officers. Once a Chair has been (re)elected, they will take the chair for the remainder of the meeting.
This meeting shall;
- Receive and consider reports from the Officers and from the Musical Director
- Elect from amongst its members the Officers and members of the Committee and appoint a Designated Safeguarding Officer
- Adopt new, existing and amended policies as directed by the Committee
- Consider motions from the Committee
- Consider motions from members which must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least one week before the meeting
- Voting at all meetings shall be by show of hands or ballot and members shall have one vote in each ballot
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or upon written request to the Secretary of at least ten members of the Band, giving reasons in the form of a motion.
At least fourteen days notice of such a meeting must be given to all members of the Band stating motions to be discussed. No other business may be discussed and decisions shall be on a simple majority of those present. The quorum for an EGM shall be five persons or twenty % of the membership, whichever the greater.
From around September 2001 there has been growing concern about the safeguarding of both children (classed as anyone under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults ( a catch all phrase for any adult identified as maybe in need of additional support) in wider social circumstances. Bands working with children can place themselves in a very vulnerable position if any actions are misconstrued by those whom they are teaching. Members may also be in a unique position to identify and report potential abuse.
All members of the Band who undertake working with children, as representatives of the Band, shall personally ensure that they are fully compliant with the latest statutory requirements regarding safeguarding.
The band is a member of Brass Band England and has adopted the recommended safeguarding policy and procedures.
In the event that the Band is dissolved or otherwise ceases to operate, the property, cash and intellectual assets of the Band shall be held by a minimum of three trustees appointed by the Committee. The net assets of the Band, after settlement of all the Band’s liabilities, are to be collated and securely stored in a place appointed by the Trustees for a period of not less than three years. If after the expiration of this period there is no revival of the Band then the trustees are to dispose of the property, cash and assets in a manner that is within the spirit of the objects of the Band.
Instruments and equipment may be donated to schools or other musical institutions, cash is to be donated to worthy causes or charities as decided by the Trustees. Under no circumstances may any individual person benefit from the Band’s assets.
In the event that the Band is unable to discharge it’s liabilities from the liquidation of its property and assets, the Band members, the Band Committee and the Band’s Trustees shall not be liable or held to be liable, in any way or in any circumstances, for any costs, claims or liabilities of any kind attributable to the Band.
Any person ceasing to be a member of the Band shall forfeit all rights and claim upon the Band, its property or funds.
Neither the Band or any Trustee or Officer or members of the Committee shall be liable for any loss or damage to the property of any members occurring on Band property, neither shall it or they be liable for any injury sustained by any member whilst on Band business
Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band 2022